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Performa Mitarbeiter Performa Mitarbeiter Performa Mitarbeiter

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+49.(0)7131.390 17 31

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Performa Mitarbeiter Performa Mitarbeiter

fragen - beratung - bestellung


wir freuen uns auf sie
+49.(0)7131.390 17 31

about us

the slogan “with passion and precision” exactly fit in the profile of the company that is based in heilbronn, germany. performa represents a clear and plain furniture collection that is made with genius detail solutions and on a high technical level. the swabian company of ten workers is specialised in perfect furniture surfaces out of linoleum or caoutchouc. this warm and elastic materials are the distinctiveness of the furniture made by performa.

it is a challenge to work with since the finish is from the beginning part of the working process. this circumstance manifests the accurateness performa is permanently working with. all of the products are produced in their own small carpenter´s factory with a cnc machine as the heart of production. “but on the other side there is no product we sell that is not finished by hand” is telling mr. ric emphasizing the human factor. he founded performa together with his partner and leader of production matthias eckert at the end of the 1990ties after they got to know each other at the masterclass of carpenters. they choose heilbronn for a good reason as they can rely on the suppliers of the automobile industry just around the corner. all of the necessary metal parts are produced within a radius of 20 kilometers. they consider themselves as designing manufacturer highlighting the realisation of a designing thought.

among experts performa is well- established long ago. famous architects such as jürgen mayer h., graft or patricia urquiola place orders of entire interiors. wellknown companies such as wilkhahn or team by wellis also trust in performa ordering individual parts for their own collection. now performa has a distinct aim for the future: performa wants to focus on their own exquisit furniture collection and make them accessible to all the appreciators of extraordinary furniture.

click for original text and pictures of the article at the publication “deutsche manufakturen für wohnkultur (german manufacturers of living culture)